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First Day of PT School: A Letter to Myself One Year Later


Updated: Feb 28, 2021

To those of you first years about to begin your epic journey-- CONGRATULATIONS! If you are anything like me, you may be looking at the people beside you wondering how you got here and what you did to deserve the opportunity of a lifetime. You reflect on the GRE, the prerequisites and the volunteer hours you put it and still kind of wonder, is this really happening?

If you're nothing like me, you knew you would be doing this all along and this sappy post probably won't resonate.

I thought about shouting some first day/week/semester/year advice into the void of the internet which I'm sure I'll get around to relatively soon. In the meantime there are tons of awesome resources and survival guides out there:

Here is my letter to me - one year later:


Congrats! You made it! Well, you made it through the front door. Take a deep breath, smile and introduce yourself. Eat the bagel & grab a coffee, there isn't always free food here (and the days there is are some of the best days). Don't be so nervous when you get up to say your name, hometown and fun fact - within the year these people will know every fun fact about you...and all the boring facts too. ​​

This next year will be challenging and anatomy, particularly rough. Don't be afraid to ask questions...lots of questions. And find two favorite spots in the library, just in case one of them is taken. Keep your notes organized, the classes may not always be cumulative but PT school is.​​

Don't forget to exercise, go outside and take some time to yourself. Go out with your friends, but probably don't go out the weekend of the neuro'll regret that.

Call your mom when you're stressed but don't forget to call when you're not stressed, so she knows you're a-okay.

And finally, enjoy it! The first year flies by and pretty soon you'll be off to your first clinical, more nervous than you were the first day but the most prepared you've ever been!

Good luck & remember: what goes upside down must come right side up.


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